The first on the market: Our carbon-neutral products for your commercial success.

With LEVEL|BLUE®, you reduce your carbon footprint.

With LEVEL|BLUE®, the new product range by Lhoist, we offer you the world’s first carbon-neutral products in our sector.

As a global market leader with a distinct pioneering spirit, we made the groundbreaking decision to develop LEVEL|BLUE®.

Carbon-neutral products create added value.

LEVEL|BLUE® includes all actions that already reduce the carbon footprint. We didn’t wait; we took action. To reduce your carbon footprint.

We achieved this sustainable reduction with intelligent concepts, efficient steps and passionate commitment.

You now have the opportunity to take action and responsibility in order to improve your Scope 3 footprint with LEVEL|BLUE®.

We didn’t wait; we took action.
To reduce your carbon footprint.




We calculate our carbon footprint based on the internationally established Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. The calculation therefore includes all emissions from our facilities. We work alongside an external partner in order to obtain precise and reliable data and provide our support to certified climate protection projects only. You will receive a certificate from us that provides quantifiable evidence of the carbon-neutral nature of your LEVEL|BLUE® product.


Wherever possible, we avoid CO2 production. For example:

  • Switching our electricity supply to renewable energy
  • Reducing input quantities and transportation thanks to increased product efficiency (e.g. Sorbacal® SP)
  • Substituting primary raw materials with recycled products (e.g. converter lime)


Wherever CO2 production cannot be avoided, we reduce it. For example:

  • Increased use of secondary fuels (e.g. biomass)
  • Optimization of our kilns
  • Increased efficiency of transportation routes


Wherever we can neither avoid CO2 nor reduce it, we offset it.

The remaining emissions are calculated in line with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. By investing in climate protection projects, we offset these remaining emissions for you alongside our partners natureOffice and South Pole..


We cannot change the world alone. But we can each play our part together.

Alexia Spieler
Vice President & Managing Director
Lhoist Germany


Sustainability means taking responsibility with long-term vision. With LEVEL|BLUE®, we avoid, reduce and offset our CO2 emissions in order to supply you with carbon-neutral raw materials. The offsetting of remaining CO2 emissions is certified in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, whereby climate protection projects around the world are supported. You receive a certificate to confirm this.

With LEVEL|BLUE®, you reduce your Scope 3 footprint – sustainably.


Carbon-neutral products make a difference. While these used to simply supplement your portfolio, they are now crucial to your company’s value. Those who do not want to be overtaken by the competition need the appropriate solutions. Find out what various LEVEL|BLUE® customers have to say about their motivations, additional objectives and successful application of LEVEL|BLUE®.

Your customers are also looking for sustainable products – make sure you provide them: with LEVEL|BLUE®.


We don’t just think ahead; we lead the way. Use this advantage on the raw-materials market now to stand out from the competition. Call us – we would be delighted to outline the individual benefits that LEVEL|BLUE® can provide.

With LEVEL|BLUE®, you operate sustainably – from now on.